
Range:CrossSection, DomainInterfaces, ExteriorDomain, InteriorExterior, MaterialInterfaces

Selects the type of interfaces. In the following, cylindrical problems with a cross-section computational domain are treated in the same way as the corresponding 3D problem.

  • DomainInterfaces

    Selects the interfaces between neighbored physical domains as specified in the layout files. For two-dimensional problems these are the infinite interfaces in z-direction between the domains.

  • CrossSection

    Only allowed for two-dimensional (2D) problems with an infinite z-direction. The interfaces are the cross-sections of the physical domains as specified in the layout with normal in z-direction. In the output file, the first two columns, DomainIdFirst and DomainIdSecond, are replaced by one column named DomainId.

  • ExteriorDomain

    This is specially devoted for scattering problems. The fluxes of the scattered field into the exterior domain are computed.

    The boundary between the computational domain and exterior domain serves as the interface. In the output table, the first column DomainIdFirst corresponds to the interior and DomainIdSecond to the exterior physical domain. The flux of the scattered field from the interior domain with id DomainIdFirst to the exterior domain with id DomainIdSecond is computed. In this case the integers DomainIdFirst and DomainIdSecond may coincide.

  • InteriorExterior

    Similar to ExteriorDomain, but now the fluxes of the total field are computed across interior-exterior interfaces. Hence, the flux from interior to the exterior and in the opposite direction are summed up.