
Excludes:CartesianToFourierTransform, ConvertToPowerFlux, CreateReducedBasis, DensityIntegration, DipoleEmission, EvaluateReducedBasis, ExportFields, ExportGrid, FluxIntegration, FourierTransform, GridStatistics, IntegrationWeights, LayeredMediaSolver, ModeOverlap, MultipoleExpansion, OpticalImaging, PupilField, Radiation, ResonanceExpansion, ResonanceOverlap, ScatteringMatrix, Superposition, SurfaceDensityIntegration

Use this post-process to evaluate a time-harmonic electromagnetic field in a far distance to the scatterer.

The post-process runs with an JCM fieldbag containing a time-harmonic electromagnetic field. This fieldbag is specified by the value of FieldBagPath. The fieldbag may contain several electromagnetic fields. In this case the far-field values are computed and stored separately.

There exists two output modes:

  • As a Cartesian fieldbag export in polar coordinates (default). The sampling rate in the \vartheta, \varphi-coordinate system is detected automatically. With the parameter NRefinements you can increase the sampling of the far field.

  • As a table when the user has defined evaluation points either within the section Polar or Cartesian. The output is stored in a JCM table file with the following columns:

    • Columns 1-3: EvaluationPointsX, EvaluationPointsY, EvaluationPointsZ

      Position of the far field evaluation point in Cartesian coordinates.

    • Columns 4-…: <Quantity>X_<iF>, <Quantity>Y_<iF>, <Quantity>Z_<iF>,

      Here, <Quantity> is the tag of the far field quantity, e.g., ElectricFieldStrength or MagneticFieldStrength. The index <iF> stands for the field index. The x, y, and z components of one field are stored in consecutive columns. Only the scattered field is computed.