
Excludes:CartesianToFourierTransform, ConvertToPowerFlux, CreateReducedBasis, DensityIntegration, DipoleEmission, EvaluateReducedBasis, ExportFields, ExportGrid, FarField, FluxIntegration, FourierTransform, GridStatistics, LayeredMediaSolver, ModeOverlap, MultipoleExpansion, OpticalImaging, PupilField, Radiation, ResonanceExpansion, ResonanceOverlap, ScatteringMatrix, Superposition, SurfaceDensityIntegration

Use this post-process to export the integration nodes and weights required to numerically integrate a field of order IntegrationOrder exactly.

The output is stored in a JCM table file with the following columns:

  • Columns 1-3: PointsX, PointsY, PointsZ

    Position of the integration nodes in Cartesian coordinates.

  • Column 4: DomainId

    The DomainId denotes the physical domain as specified in the layout that contains the integration node.

  • Columns 5: Weight

    The integration weight for the integration nodes.