
Range:[v_11, …, v_1j; …; v_i1, …; v_ij], j<=2

Defines domain identifiers attributed to the different 3D objects in this Layer. Each 2D geometrical primitive of the Layout carries an identifier, DomainId. Through the DomainIdMapping, the corresponding extruded 3D region in this layer of the 3D Extrusion gets attributed a new material identifier, which corresponds to the domain identifier in the file materials.jcm (DomainId). When the 2D section of the Layout contains N different material identifiers (DomainId), the DomainIdMapping vector is a vector with 2N integer-valued entries. It is ordered as follows:

 [id_{2D,1} & id_{3D,1} \\
  id_{2D,2} & id_{3D,2} \\
  \cdots & {} \\
  id_{2D,N}  & id_{3D,N}]

where id_{2D,i} are the identifiers of the 2D primitives, and id_{3D,i} are the domain identifiers of the 3D regions in this Layer.