Type: | enum |
Range: | ElectricCharge, ElectricChirality, ElectricFieldEnergy, ElectromagneticChirality, ElectromagneticChiralityConversion, ElectromagneticFieldAbsorption, Force, ForceSurface, HolomorphicElectricFieldEnergy, HolomorphicMagneticFieldEnergy, MagneticChirality, MagneticFieldEnergy, Mass, ThermalSource |
Default: | -/- |
Appearance: | simple |
Excludes: | Python |
Specifies the output quantity. For example, to compute the electric field energy contained in the domains of the computational window, choose OutputQuantity = ElectricFieldEnergy
In general, integrals can be computed for all density tensor fields contained in a JCM fieldbag: any density tensor field contained in the loaded JCM fieldbag with a tag of the form <XY>Density
gives rise to an allowed output quantity with tag <XY>