
Range:BottomCenter, Center, Point1, Point2, Point3, Point4, Point5, Point6, Point7, Point8

, or

Range:[1, 10]

A Box has 8 point-Ports (globally oriented) at its vertices numbered counterclockwise starting on the bottom facet. Further, a box has a Center port which coincides with its center of mass and a BottomCenter port at the center of the bottom facet. The default port is Point1.

Box Ports
Number Name Position Type Coordinate System
1 Point1 p_1=[0, 0, 0] point x'=[1, 0, 0], y'=[0, 1, 0], z'=[0, 0, 1]
2 Point2 p_2=[l, 0, 0] point x'=[1, 0, 0], y'=[0, 1, 0], z'=[0, 0, 1]
3 Point3 p_3=[l, w, 0] point x'=[1, 0, 0], y'=[0, 1, 0], z'=[0, 0, 1]
4 Point4 p_4=[0, w, 0] point x'=[1, 0, 0], y'=[0, 1, 0], z'=[0, 0, 1]
5 Point5 p_5=[0, 0, h] point x'=[1, 0, 0], y'=[0, 1, 0], z'=[0, 0, 1]
6 Point6 p_6=[l, 0, h] point x'=[1, 0, 0], y'=[0, 1, 0], z'=[0, 0, 1]
7 Point7 p_7=[l, w, h] point x'=[1, 0, 0], y'=[0, 1, 0], z'=[0, 0, 1]
8 Point8 p_8=[0, w, h] point x'=[1, 0, 0], y'=[0, 1, 0], z'=[0, 0, 1]
9 Center (p_1+p_7)/2=[\tfrac{l}{2}, \tfrac{w}{2},\tfrac{h}{2}] point x'=[1, 0, 0], y'=[0, 1, 0], z'=[0, 0, 1]
10 BottomCenter (p_1+p_3)/2=[\tfrac{l}{2}, \tfrac{w}{2},0] point x'=[1, 0, 0], y'=[0, 1, 0], z'=[0, 0, 1]

Here, l,w,h refer to Length, Width and Height.