
Range:Cn, Domain, DomainBoundary, Mirror, Periodic, Periodic1, Periodic2, Periodic3, Periodic4, Transparent, TransparentBoundary

Defines the type of boundary treatment:

  • for Periodic boundaries, periodic faces will be segmented in the same way and will be listed as periodic in the grid.jcm file. This then allows to specify, e.g., Bloch-periodic wave phenomena on a unit cell of a periodic array.
  • for a TransparentBoundary , a space region (exterior domain) is added beyond the boundary which models some material which continues quasi to infinity. In this case properties of the exterior domain (like periodicity and boundary conditions also of the exterior) and material properties are to be specified.
  • a Mirror allows to define a mirror symmetry plane.
  • a DomainBoundary allows to fix a physical condition on the boundary. In this case an identifier is specified (BoundaryId) which corresponds to a section in the file boundary_conditions.jcm (see BoundaryCondition).