SinglePhotonEmitter TU We develop an efficient single-photon source with an optically excited semiconductor quantum dot as emitter  providing single photons on demand. The device will be suitable for local-area secure data transfer for, e.g., quantum key distribution in the 2nd telecommunication window of 1.3 µm.
The project is part of the 2nd 'Poland - Berlin' call "Photonic Components and Systems for Production und Measurement in the fields of Communication, Medicine, Lighting and Security".



TU Berlin, Germany

PicoQuant GmbH, Berlin, Germany

Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland

Marie Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland

P.H. ELMAT Sp. z. o.o., Rzeszow, Poland

JCMwave GmbH, Berlin, Germany


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European Regional Development Fund (EFRE) of the European Union in the framework of the programme to promote research, innovation and technologies (Pro FIT).
